How are you?

Firstly it’s been a while… it hasn’t felt as long as time has passed it’s been busy hectic but thought I’d check in and update a little to where I am. So the millionaire ££ question… how am I? Does anyone actually answer how are you honestly? It’s so automatic to say I’m good you?Continue reading “How are you?”

Is it just me?

Is it just me or……. Do you ever feel like sh*t for no reason? And then you search for a reason And create a list of every fault you have So now you have plenty of reasons to feel like sh*t. So you try and ‘solve’ the issue but actually you know… today I wantContinue reading “Is it just me?”

What’s irrational?

So I found myself questioning what’s rational and what’s irrational? What’s OCD and what’s a normal level of fear? It’s fair to say no matter where your living the world is in a state. Whether it be the rising costs, crime, covid, war look around you and there is so much hardship and devastation. It’sContinue reading “What’s irrational?”


In my last blog post I was talking about getting rid of the final ‘OCD’ tasks and starting to do work on those bits to try and stomp it out further than I manage now. Truth is I haven’t had time. Not having time has been a useful component of my recovery. As life hasContinue reading “Time”

Checking in and stomping it out…

Hello it’s been a while! I used blogging as a way to keep my recovery strong, to motivate me and keep a log of my journey. My last post I had tried to give up sertraline but couldn’t. It’s safe to say I’m still on them. I am finding they make me sleepy so I’mContinue reading “Checking in and stomping it out…”

Day who knows… I give up

So I give up… I can now say I know how sertraline is benefitting me. That loud OCD voice came back over the weekend. At first I put it down to stress, then I couldn’t sleep I was so restless and then it built up yesterday to me being back to not being present inContinue reading “Day who knows… I give up”

Rome wasn’t built in a day….

Day 23 in reducing meds It’s 1am. I can’t sleep. I just can’t settle. Everything that happens to me recently I wonder is that because Im reducing medication. I didn’t ask the doctor (stupidly) what would happen when I reduced and then stopped. I usually fall asleep pretty quick and I’m exhausted after a superContinue reading “Rome wasn’t built in a day….”

20th day reducing medication

It’s 3:18am and I’m awake. My little man decided that the last three hours were a good time to wake up so here I am. I’ve worked a long old 14 hour day and I feel anxious tonight. You know that knot in your stomach that wont go away. My husbands took over the bedtimeContinue reading “20th day reducing medication”

Musicals and medication

Today is day 5 of reduced medication. Nearly a week down and 3 more to go until I try and end my journey on sertraline. Two years ago I was in my worst place with my OCD. My Husband probably thought I was being difficult a lot and he was right. I washed my handsContinue reading “Musicals and medication”

Day 2 of reducing meds

So it’s been ok so far….ish. I’ve been out, done LOADS of things and LOADS of triggering things. I had one little wobble before bedtime with my anxiety but I managed it and I guess I need those testing times to see if I’m going to manage without them!! Lets see what tomorrow brings.

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